Our transshipping terminals have been gradually developed for particular types of goods and transloading technologies. Considerations of environmental conditions and intermodal connections and a desire to meet the widest possible range of our customers’ logistic needs have gradually shaped the profiles of our transshipping terminals.
The tank-to-tank chemical transloading terminal in Záhony permits the environment-friendly tank-to-tank transloading of products arriving in tank cars. Closed tank-to-tank transloading systems ensure the safe, lossless and non-mixing transshipping of commodities. The following types of materials can be transshipped at the terminal: (all types of) petrol, diesel oil and its derivatives, varieties of alcohol (ethanol, methanol, butanol), xylol, toluol, and varieties of cooking oil.
Transshipping gases and liquids requires special technologies. At the white oils transshipping terminal in Záhony, petroleum derivatives not requiring a closed technology are transloaded by tank-to-tank pumping.
Upon request, ZÁHONY-PORT Zrt is happy to provide preliminary information about the transloadability of a particular commodity.
GPS: | 48°24’24,9” E |
22°11’47,7” K |
The premises, equipped with covered and open loading docks, with standard gauge railway on one side and broad gauge railway on the other side, have been specially designed for small machinery loading.
We use forklift trucks, which may be adjusted to the specific nature of particular goods by adding supplementary accessories, for example, bale or paper roll clamps, which allow us to handle heavy rolls.
Upon the order of the shipper, we can assemble unit loads of consignments. On these premises, we operate a 7500 m2 covered sectional public customs warehouse, with customs supervision. The warehouse is equipped with broad and standard gauge tracks, a well developed road connection, a closed circuit camera system and a fire detection and alarm system. Also on these premises, we have a 17400 m2 open, paved public customs warehouse, a 9300m2 covered transloading hall with one broad gauge track and two standard gauge tracks, and a 500m long, flying roof-covered loading dock.
The transshipping process may also involve packaging, manipulating, forming unit loads and a variety of other handling processes.
GPS: | 48°23’05.33” E |
22°09’51.72” K |
1996 óta működik közvámraktárunk. 90 ezer m2 nyitott, és 7500 m2 fedett és zártható raktár kapacitással rendelkezünk. A raktárak széles és normál nyomtávolságú vágányhálózattal, jól kiépített közúti csatlakozással rendelkeznek.
A Közvámraktárakban zártláncú kamerarendszer és tűzvédelmi rendszer van kiépítve. A tárolóterületeken lehetőség van különféle manipulációs tevékenységek végzésére. Az áru állagmegőrzésén és rakodásán túl vállaljuk fedett, zárt raktárunkban egységrakományok képzését, megbontását, átcsomagolást, a nyitott raktárban elsősorban faáruk válogatását, méret szerinti kötegelését, pakettázását pántolással és réslécezéssel. A fedett közvámraktárban zártláncú kamerarendszer működik.
GPS: | 48°23’05.33” E |
22°09’51.72” K |
Eperjeske Transshipping Terminal is the largest in capacity among the terminals of the transshipping area. Its comb structured railway network allows transshipping of goods from broad gauge cars to standard gauge cars or onto the ground for temporary storage. In order to meet the increasing demand for road transport, ZÁHONY-PORT Zrt has developed the technical facilities for road transport service.
The following transshipping technologies are employed at Eperjeske Transshipping Terminal:
The bulk goods transshipping system exploits the force of gravity to quickly unload open hopper wagons. Unloading is aided by hydraulic vibrators, shovels and sweepers mounted on the bridges of the slide-way. Unloaded commodities are collected in gullets on the left side and are subsequently loaded from those into standard gauge wagons by large capacity scoops mounted on heavy duty gantry cranes.
The content of wagons unloaded to the right-hand side is funneled onto conveyor belts, which carry bulk commodities into the standard wagons. Wagons may also be loaded with large capacity loaders.
In the storage area created next to the transloading system, we can store an amount of commodities equivalent to about 600 broad wagons.
This equipment is used to transload loose artificial fertilizers and bulk grains from broad gauge wagons into standard gage wagons or trucks. Grains arriving in hoppers are unloaded through the outlet at the bottom of the wagon into an underground gullet and are then transported by a scoop conveyor onto a horizontal conveyor belt system, where they are directed either into standard wagons or trucks by a diverter. Its capacity is 120 tons /hour
Wood products, metal and non-ferrous metal waste, metal products, containers and industrial equipment which arrive in open wagons may be transloaded by gantry cranes or mobile loaders. We use cranes of a variety of different load capacities with different special clamps, which may be mounted on them, depending on the character, size and packaging of goods. Swap bodies may also be loaded on or off wagons. We have a total of 17 gantry cranes on four beams, two of which, if operated in synchrony, can hoist goods weighing at most as much as 120 tons. We can store commodities of an amount of the equivalent of about 400 broad wagons right next to the gantry cranes and 1000 TEU containers next to gantry C.
GPS: | 48°32’31,1” E |
22°12’76,0” K |
We can load, unload and transload commodities requiring public customs warehousing in the premises with 2 gantry cranes and mobile loaders. In the non-paved public customs warehousing area of 73,000 m2, we can store and classify lumber and coal. Complementary services:
-Re-packaging, unitizing by shrink-wrapping or strapping -Quantity control and piece counting of various types of goods -Global transshipping – not retaining broad wagon unit
– to take full advantage of wagon space.
- Assortment, packetting and strapping of wood products.
- Assistance with goods quality tests
GPS: | 48°19’07.8” E |
22°07’32.6” K |
The equipment of the terminal has been developed specifically for tank-to-tank transloading of heavy oil products. In contrast to the Záhony chemicals transshipping terminal, here commodities to be transloaded may be heated. Commodities may be transloaded from broad gauge tank cars into standard gage wagons or tanker trucks. A typical commodity these days is treacle, but we are happy to meet orders for other commodities as well.
GPS: | 48°18’26.9” E |
22°07’15,2” K |